It would be worse than beating an anvil with a sledge hammer. 那还不如用大铁锤打铁砧。
Declarative transactions, such as those in EJB's are [ a] sledge hammer approach to simplifying transaction management, assuming that every database operation behind the bean is of equal importance. 假设Bean后面的每个数据库操作都是同等重要的,那么声明性事务(就像EJB中的那些)就是一个简化事务管理的强有力的方法。
Another Highland game event is'throwing the hammer'wherein the sportsman swings a'hammer '( originally a sledge hammer) over his head and then releases it, aiming to get the longest distance. 另一个高地游戏活动是掷铁锤。在其中,运动员在自己的头顶上旋转一个槌(起初是一个大锤),接着放开,为了投的尽可能远。